We are delighted to introduce two new teachers this year, Grace Neville – who will be teaching singing on Mondays and Wednesdays, and Shane – who will be teaching guitar on Wednesdays. We are also delighted to welcome back Joel Segal, who had to take a break due to Covid-19 lockdowns. Joel will be teaching piano on Mondays and Wednesdays. We will load photos and bios of all our new teachers, as soon as we have them.

The School is also looking to open up some new classes, so there are more options for students time and instrument wise. This may include a third session on Saturday mornings and more classes during the week. Watch this space.

We are keen to see the Junior and Senior bands get back up and running again, and this means that our students can choose to play in groups, and gain that extra experience and confidence, by doing so.

So, plenty of good things are afoot at the School of Living Music, and we are glad to have been able to re-open our doors this year, and welcome back our students and friends.